ATP's e3 Interview With SC5 Producer
Aris ON
Friday, June 10, 2011 at 3:18PM

I was very lucky to get a short time to talk to Tago San at e3. Incase you don't know, he is the producer of Soul Calibur 5. Check out the interview below.
Reader Comments (9)
Good shit. Do you like what you have seen of the game so far and what you've heard from Namco? Are you planning to go more in detail of your impressions of the game in your next podcast?
You asked some amazing questions and got some very candid answers. Your the man, seriously.
How did you feel about his answer to the Tekken comparison/query?
I will cover SC5 and TTT2 in detail in our next podcast which should be out soon after Revelations this weekend.
good job man
I had trouble hearing what the translator was saying with all the button tapping and SC5 playing. I got basically no information out of this. It needs subtitles. "A" for effort though!
Same problem here; all the tapping and sound of the game makes almost impossible to hear clearly what the translator was saying about the question... damn I envy so much those game testers!
Cool interview thanks Aris! That guy in playing SC5 super rude there maybe he was oblivious to the interview or not aware. As long as we get a mostly balanced game Namco can patch at least. If we get another Hilde than we can ban that character in tournaments we'll see. Oh yes! and I like that I can say that for a SC game.
seemed like pretty generic and canned answers to me, but good work. I am not very interested in the SC series any more because i feel it's archaic and ridiculous, but that said if it's decent I will probably buy this iteration.
aris check this out 17 minutes of a guy analyzing the gameplay of street fighter vs tekken