TTT2: Distributor Show Info and Pictures (Updated With Translations)

VersusCity has put up an article revealing the TTT2 location test dates as well as some pictures.
"Here is the schedule for the exhibition displays:
Tokyo Display: May 9 and 10 (today is the last day)
Osaka Display: May 11 and 12
Fukuoka Display: May 13
For the Tag Combos and Tag Assaults, you have to hit the Tag button before a launcher or a bound move so that your partner will come in to extend the combo. On the movelists, any attack with an orange 浮 mark can be used in a Tag Combo, and anything with a blue バ mark can be used for a Tag Assault.".
Here are some translations by Yiggs on TekkenZaibatsu.
Changes :
Ling's ff+1+2~1+2 now bounds.
new string f+2,1,1+2 (m,h,m)
d/f+3,2 B! move
Jinpachi :
ws+2 launch
d+1 B! move
Jaycee :
d/b+2 launches
f+2,2,2 B! move
qcb,f+2 no longer called madaxe, now called Deja Vu (I for one don't stand for this, madaxe for life!)
Jun-New moves
d/f+2,2 B!
b+1+2 (to stance?), 1
Launcher: f+1+2 to stance? 2..I think, corner is glared might be 2+4...
Pricing also unveiled
Delux Cab is 4,180,000 yen
Delux Kit is 2,380,000 yen
PCB: 698,000 yen
[Thanks to chemicalRed for the tip]
Reader Comments (19)
i'm new to tekken6, and suddenly the prospect of characters I play getting new moves is incredibly exciting
Not location test.
Lee has no new moves listed lol.
Anyone notice that ogre is on the character moves pictures?....
Sorry I made a mistake reading the card. The moves listed for jun are actually jins moves. Sorry for the confusion... Jun doesn't have a crouch dash
@Yiggs, Fixed. Keep up the good work.
Are these location test days or distributor show dates?
I don't get it. (I'm new to Tekken.) thought is was True Ogre that was in the game. Is Ogre in the game as well??? Are they the same character??
It IS T.Ogre, they just probably didn't bother to add the True part because he's the only Ogre in the game anyway.
so 42 characters total
only 2 left???
=w= look like the game have lunch == aris was knw all aready T^T so fast tumbes up ^^
Personally I feel that adding two "new" chracters (and a remade Julia) into the game is good enough. In 6.0 and BR they added total of 6 new characters and only Leo and Miguel turned out well balanced while the rest were either bottom (zaf) or top (all others) tier. Having only 2 new additions let's the developers focus on balancing the old cast more and the game mechanics itself. Maybe in a future expansion more character shall be added.
Thanks to Aris, yiggs, and chemicalRed for the updates!
Can someone breakdown for me the difference between Tag Combo and Assault? Combo looks like a way to tag someone in after a launch and continue a juggle, while Assault looks like one of those team specific/generic autocomboes almost.
hurray for xmts bounding!!
Law's got a new ff43 bound move. Looks like no more BANANA PEEL =[.
Heh, i think you've got the wrong idea about Tag Combos, Mundo.
I will use Kazuya and Devil Jin for example
Back in TTT1, an example of a tag combo would be :
Kaz : wgf~5 (tag in DJ), b,f+2,1,2, dewgf
Now, with TTT2, there is B!, so maybe you can do something like :
Kaz : wgf~5 (DJ), d/f+1,2 B! tgf~UF
So basically, a tag combo involves tagging immediately after a launcher.
A Tag Assault Combo involves tagging immediately after a bound and then off what seems to be any other move during the combo.
An example would probably be :
Kaz : ewgf, d,f+1,2 B!~5 (DJ) ewgf~5 (Kaz) tgf
With the system so far, i think you might be able to turn a tag combo into an assault combo with something like this :
Kaz : ewgf~5 (DJ) d/f+1,2 B!~5 (Kaz) ewgf~5 (DJ) dewgf
Once again, i'm not sure how lenient the assault combo system is, but i think you get the idea...
Typing out tag combos has always been confusing, i propose we use the above notations for TTT2 (with the tagged in character in brackets)
And MAYBE to differentiate between Tag Combos and Assault Combos, use A! in assault combos instead of B!
Maybe.. :P
Also, forgot to mention, assault combos have that silly game freeze/ki charge thing when you initiate them