MK9: Scarlet DLC Trailer
Aris ON
Monday, May 30, 2011 at 11:27AM

The first of what is said to be many DLC characters is apparently Scarlet. Check out the character trailer below.
The first of what is said to be many DLC characters is apparently Scarlet. Check out the character trailer below.
Reader Comments (11)
another combination of heaving bosom, stupid crys and high heels. I m sure shes fine from a game play point of view, but is even 1 well represented female too much to ask?
@ StraightJacket
@ StraightJacket
Who are you?? The biggest gay on the internet?? You really think voilent fighting games are the medium to front feminism??!! It's a stupid game where you rip people's head off and slice them in half!!
I don't think a skinny babe with a boobjob is the biggest problem here! I just LOVE this game and all it's over-the-top features...
I think breasts are a beautiful thing and all women should go around topless like men.
Fighting games 4 racial equality.
if you hate titties i hate you.
This is mortal kombat, this is how it is, just run with it dont cry about it. Imagine Duke Nukem not being Duke Nukem, Imagine SF without Chuns thighs and stereotyping all races!!! Imagine an episode if 24 where no on dies lol.
Its just what we come to expect from "franchises", its not offending anyone, my missus thinks MK is one of the most funniest things shes seen from a viewers standpoint!!!
while I think your whining is unwarranted I still say your infinitely better off than anyone who would say "who are you the biggest gay on the internet!?!?"
is she going to be playable in tournaments?
It was more ment to be a light hearted stab and both mortal kombat and fighting games in general, but I forgot the kind of audience here, so allow me to put a comment closer to correct humour. OMG HOW DOES SHE EVEN KNOW IF SHES ON THE RAG LOLOLOLOL. there all fixed stop hating kids -.-
Straight jacket last time a checked all men weren't violent ninjas from hell who through spears at each other. In fact last time I checked not one person in Mortal Kombat Represented the normal in any human or non human being. Its a fucking game bro. And besides... I'm a a guy. I like women. I like breasts and ass. And I don't know where you live but women like showing off their body ass well. There is no need to be a puritan, especially since THIS IS FUCKING MORTAL KOMBAT WHERE PEOPLE CUT OFF EACH OTHERS HEADS. And your worried about breasts? Seriously dude.... WTF is wrong with people like you lol.
What disturbs me that people feel attracted to video games that show cleavage. Seriously? Last time I checked it was most likely a man that drew that. Enjoy your fantasies of another mans drawing.