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Write Up On Wednesday Night Fights By James Chen's James Chen has done a write up on SoCal's Wednesday Night Fights. In it he talks about his opinions of Mortal Kombat 9 as a tournament worthy fighting game. Whether you agree or not, it's a interesting read. 

"Fortunately, the game can be played at a competitive level. The players present at Wednesday Night Fights have a bit of work with the game, but watching the Top 8 of Mortal Kombat 9 the Power-Up tournament (this past weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio) it's apparent that the game definitely deserves a spot at fighting game tournaments. My own experience and performance with the game at WNF have not been completely positive, but it's starting to dawn on me that Mortal Kombat is strangely not as suited to 2D fighting game players as we'd think, given its 2D gameplay. On the contrary, the game seems much more suited to the 3D crowd!" 

Check out the full article on IGN HERE

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Reader Comments (3)

"Last week's WNF grand finals of Mortal Kombat 9 were saved for this week, and the victor was one Aris Bakhtanians, who is very well known as a top player in Tekken (as well as being known as the Tekken community member who runs the "Avoiding the Puddle" podcast)."

Wooooooooot WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTT!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you win the whole thing?? Congratulations, man!!! And to think that you've only been playing this game seriously for about a week or so... Damn! You're amazing!!

BTW, he should also have mentioned that you are Soul Calibur 2 world champion. Great job! Who did you use? Noob?

So what's the verdict?

Monday, May 2, 2011 at 3:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterDrBhup

@Dr, Thanks man, but I'm just learning like everyone else. I used Smoke for that tournament.

Monday, May 2, 2011 at 4:02 PM | Registered CommenterAris

Get off his nuts!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 12:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterGuru

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