Tekken 6: Anti Character Breakdowns By H.S. Dojo
Aris ON
Sunday, March 6, 2011 at 10:37PM

These are very useful videos showing Paul punishing various moves and strings for an assortment of characters. It's easy to apply what you see here to any character. The videos also have a nice fast pace to them so you can get all the information in a short period of time. Though some of the concepts shown in these vids may not be completely practical for tournament play, it's still very important to know this stuff exists. Very nicely done.
Check out FoxSt3v3's Youtube channel HERE.
Reader Comments (16)
Most of the Law ones were pretty stupid. Reversal? I mean, come on...
These are'nt supposed to be strict typical punishment guides.
What was done was just to go through the entire movelist and check all the ways to get around stuff.
So each move was checked for walk/ss,ducking/jailing,crushing,countering/parrying,interupting,floating and regular block punishment if available.
It was funny to see how linear a lot of Law's attacks are.
Well Law is mostly linear. Except for b+3, the homing move in DSS (forgot the notation) and maybe b+2.
i main zaf and her strength is her back dash, and wall game.i play with that mindset. my main gripe is her stance transitions, and lows outside of stances. she sucks at handling turtles and pit style players. hope in tag 2 they fix other things like her tracking, but its all good im trying to learn the basic of all characters so by the time tag hits ill have the perfect team.
and yeah reversals are not your friend if the person knows how to chicken out of it.
I've found that Law's b+1 and b+2 track fairly well. Also, DSS 3 is that homing move.
I agree, Zafina is a character that looks like has so much potential, I hope they put a lot effort on her for TTT2 similar to how much Marduk's game improved going from T4 and beyond.
But yeah, I have the most trouble against law and I'm surprised how well sidestepping works!
Sup Ninjas -
Jesus this rocks, thanks a lot for posting up some of our works Aris. Arigatou gozaimasu
@ loldongs - ha ha yeah I hear you bro, it's not about thinking the attack reversal is a good strat for normal play.
Why I added the Attack Reversal into the videos is because I want my guys to know that there is a Gap/Opening that an Attack Reversal of 2 or 3 frame speed can interupt a string.
I play Steve and some of my Students use Bryan/Law/Jin ---- the Attack Reversal is a 'Marker' - for any character that has a guaranteed HandParry/Parry that cannot be chicken'd like a conventional Attack Reversal. One must always think ahead.
To boot - sometimes people don't know if a move is a 'hand/foot or a knee/elbow' and using the only Reversal Paul has - I can use it as a Marker to show that it's a Hand/Foot -------
There are also moves in the game that just can't be Reversed, but are actually hands/feet. One Example is Ling's b+3 - this is clearly a foot coming at you, but it can't be Reversed. All info is important.
As GieRoadSteve so rightly mentioned - we're making guides to try and encompass everything... there is no useless knowledge - everything in Tekken as obvious as it may seem is important.
We create these vids and then I load them onto my PSP and watch them over and over before I face off vs my opponents while in transit so that I am familiar with the character's animations and moves mostly.
It eliminates a lot of surprises esp. if I have no experience in the match up.
I agree with regard to Zafina. The inspiration behind the Zafina BreakDown was vs'ing Monchan in Japan. He was bdc all day and all night but 2 other Dojo members and I were getting caught out simply by not knowing the animation/frames/punishment... hence we started recording that breakdown in the dorms and it helped a lot with the rest of the Zaf matches throughout the trip.
With Regard to Law - I was Shocked -
In France, RIP and Malgu tore me a new one with their lightning fast ws mix ups...
Malgu then had Fab in a ws mix up with Law allowing Malgu to do 4 eslides in a row until Fab finally ducked and ate a launcher.
I reckoned Law's WS mix up was just too much - so I really wanted to check it out while making the Law Breakdown. When I saw that virtually none of the effective/traditional ws moves tracked - I was like - wtf?
lol - well I hope this can help anyone with a character match up we've put out thus far...
I have a Ling Breakdown - but it's 17 Minutes and YouTube is rejecting it, so I'm gonna edit that a little and upload and then I'm heading out to Damage Germany in less than 2 weeks - and I might want a Bob BreakDown release before then. lol
cool cool
Thanks again Aris - kak ninja and an honour to be associated in anyway with ATP.
Yeah, I think I get it now. But would've it been a better idea to use Jin's parry, since it parries everything, including knees, elbows, even heads? As far as I know, it's also in that 2-3 frame windows in execution. I think that Wang's parry also takes everything, although not sure of heads. Shall have to test that Feng's headbutt from the CD.
On a sidenote, I also find Law's rather bad tracking kind of funny since he's supposed to be played in-your-face style, peppering the opponent with small, constant damage. I sat down in the lab for a bit and found Law's offense really easy to stop. That WS mixup between slide and WS+2 is also high risk, but of course there's always WS+1,2 which is hit confirmable.
Sup loldongs -
Yeah Jin is the ultimate parry character in the game - if you can parry Julia's Elbow - well... lol
Using Jin to Parry moves however is not going to show whether a Reversal or a HandParry would work with the other characters. Jin's Parry is actually too good because nothing touches WindParry - this is actually counter productive in showing what most characters are able to parry. This would only really teach Jin players that everything is parryable and leave no data for non Jin players.
Also - Jin is not the same kind of punishment demon that Paul is from 10-16 Frames -
Paul's Attack Reversal and excellent set of Punishment frames/Range Attacks/Normal SS_SW ability etc. just make him a very good candidate for defensive breakdown guides imo.
I could be wrong and there are other/better ways to approach this... but he's doing a good job so far. lol
Hey - nice one on the Wang Parry Q - I don't actually know the answer to that one... if you find out befor me, then post your findings.
The more you leave the light on in the lab the more misconceptions you can put to rest - good shit
Yeah, I hear you there again. Adding sticky notes about when you can and can not use an attack reversal/punch parry would be kind of tedious.
On Paul's punishment, I belive he's the character with the most 12 frame punishers in the game. Kinda funny.
Also, I'd love to know how's his 1,2,3 on hit and block. Being part of a tenstring, I'd imagine it's pretty bad either way.
Also, there are a few errors on that move list. Paul's 4 is actually 12f, deathfist is more in the 15-16f range, uf+4 from crouch is _theoretically_ 16f, and b+3 is his 14f launcher, not b+4 (b+4 isn't even a move)
I'd also like to add that b+3 as a 14f punisher is kind of unreliable most of the time, mostly due to bad range and hitting high.
Hey LDongs -
Well spotted on the b+4 -------- b+4 is that Standing Low Sweep Paul has. b+3 is what I'm looking for - thanks.
Range on b+3 is not great - but if you know which moves typically leave the opponent right in front of Paul that are -14, it's a launch instead of just a b+1,2/d+1+2.
Paul's 123 on Block is launch punishable. On Hit you're safe, but not on any sort of good frames. The idea behind using 123 is if you only get 10F punishment at the end of the round and want to make sure you kill the guy if he has abt 30Dmg or so left, you go for it. During the fight a simple 1,2 and plus frames is all good unless you want to make a chip damage statement.
I believe an instant DeathFist is 13 Frames if I'm not wrong. I know the Frame Data on this site says 15Frames but I'm almost certain it's 13 when done instantly.
ShinJin has his Frame Data tested with Zakuta & also noted it as 13Frames for an ideathfist. ShinJin, Zakuta and I used to session in London back in the day, I can personally vouch for their accuracy... but a simple post on the Paul threads would have this all cleaned up I'm sure.
qcf - - - - -
qcf+1 h 17(19~ -7 YKU YKU
qcf+2 m 13(15~ -15 KFD KFD
qcf+2 m 13(15~ -17 KFD KFD
qcf+1+2 h (~ -14 KBD KBD
qcf+3 h 17(19~ -19? +1 KBD
qcf+3+4 m (~ -9? FU FU
Also check the last post, I have asked them for some info on the matter.
I don't see the speed of Paul's 4 listed on any FData lists. I know Bruce's 4 is 12 frames, so it's not impossible that Paul's 4 may also be. However Bruce's 4 vs Paul's 4 are two completely different rewards. And damn, Paul's 4 is shitty to combo off - Disaster(Destructoid!) is a stallion when he does that shit into ff n 1 - qcf+1 x n x n...
We can test for Paul's 4 speed - it's an easy method as long as your screen doesn't lag (use a crt) - Let Paul Jab an opponent to get +1 - and then have Paul press 4 and the opponent press 1 immediatley after -------- it should trade. If this trades all the time... Paul's 4 is 11 frames. (don't use characters that don't have a 10F jab though - lol)
If Paul is constantly beaten by the jab - then he's prolly on 12F for his 4. I think we tested this too... we got 11F at the time.
With regard to u/f+3,4 (Shreddars) I can actually prove that they are 15 Frames from crouch.
Block any Low move that leaves an opponent on -15F and then do u/f+3,4
Block the -15F Low move again and try and use the ws+2 Move.
ws+2 is 16 Frames and u/f+3,4 is 15F even from crouch. There is an example of me using it in one of these breakdown vids at some point - I think vs Nina - one of Nina's lows is strictly -15.
Thus far you have made sure I follow up on the b+4 typo which is already a nice one. We can just double check Paul's 4 and the DeathFist though. I have edited my TZ post to include an answer on Paul's 4 - should know by the morning ---- 01:15am here bro - time for bed now, work tomorrow.
Fun to watch
@ Forest - cool thnx
@ lolzlDongs - Hey bro - got some answers from BP and ShinJin over on TZ Paul Forum.
Seems like you were right on BOTH accounts of the Frame Data. ShinJin is still just gonna check and verify for the DeathFist as per his own notes.
Otherwise I am going to list the DF as i15
And BP says the way he tested the Magic 4 vs Law's 11F Magic 4 and Paul's always loses and gets CH vs'ing Law's 4... so I'm going to put that 12F.
Damn - I've been working with some corrupt Frame Data, lol - thanks for pointing this stuff out, I don't like working with inaccurate data.
I've posted your findings in the 'Description' section of all the vids. big ups.
No prob, HotShot/FoxSteve. Happy to help.