TTT2: Full Devil Transformation
Aris ON
Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 12:40PM

Harada has put up a new video showing the full Devil transformation. This is further proof that people shouldn't panic when they see something esthetic that they don't like because TTT2 is highly in development. Check out the video below.
Thanks to a tip from IMFAMOUSMINDED.
[Via NEO Empire]
Reader Comments (21)
Oh shit!! This is awesome!
Hopefully Devil gets his own new set of moves.
Fucking sick..... They should keep this for Kaz in the standard games also for the lulz. Need to see this shit in the purple Kazuya asshole tux, that shit will be god tier...
Looking good. Just thinking about how awesome a mid-juggle transform would be....
I think it still looks like shit.
why do you say that? shit looks awesome.
TTT2 is going to be the best game EVER!!!
its good, but you got to have the goat legs hooves and tail... i mean this isn't Devil Jin w/ goth chains and pants... this is actual DEVIL
it looks great and i really like it, i cant wait, even in early development of TTT2, the game looked great, i havent seen any bad thing about TTT2 so far
should remove pants and gloves. they did that ttt when you choose the dev/kaz combination.
Bring back devil fuck devilkazuya i want df1-2 twin pistons
Very cool and improved from the last transformation video. I hope the final product changes more than a few things about Kazuya's move list, and in new ways rather than being just a return to TTT Devil or a copy of Devil Jin. I also hope that he is given other ways to transform. Perhaps Kazuya can have a reversal in the same vein as Heihachi's b+1+4 and Tira's Jolly B+K (Soul Calibur IV) in which Kazuya takes damage, then transforms and hits the opponent back.
I personally think the frames for transforming should be reduced if not virtually eliminated to allow for mid-juggle transformation. Maybe just some electricty then boom he's devil, it also is hopefully controlled with a 3 button taunt style input. Kazuya deserves a chance to really show his power...
It's just a blue color swap of Kaz, looks extra lazy with him still keeping the pants and the gloves. He should look like Devil in TTT. Heck, I think the should be a totally different character like in TTT.
Also, on the contrary, they should increase the time to change to him. In return, he should be some sort of stupid boss character like Dark Phoenix and have his old special mid uppercut, shoot fast lasers, be constantly on rage or something. Just go nuts with him, it's good for unbalance.
omg it looks awesome/stupid blah blah blah. The concept seems to mimic yoshis no sword stance which is very bad imo. but omg its devil so noone will care.
Hey elder fags: relax on the particulars of Devil's appearance. I know you're dying for some much needed nostalgia, but really, he never looked boss to begin with --guy always looked like a purple douche. That, tied with the fact that CGI visuals have increased over the years, leads me to tell you all to stfu in the hopes that Harada actually gives us a new, badass Devil model. That said, you should just demand a buyable Devil "costume" that reflects his older models and costumes etc.
He wasn't just any purple douche, he was a purple douche with a special mid uppercut and the highest health in the game.
Maybe there will be a remove trousers item purchase which will allow you to see his furry legs of course the down side of this will be that you will have to put up with seeing Kaz's dong while playing as normal Kaz.
Your saying it's like a bad thing to see Kaz's dong.
I don't mind which route they take personally - this new one seems ok enough and purple douche was also cool - I'm sure which ever pref you have, as long as he's fun to play, most people won't mind too much.
sup loldongs