We Will Be Shipping The ATP Shirts In The Next Day Or Two
Aris ON
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 6:05PM

I just received the "Avoiding The Puddle" T-shirts and I have to say I am very happy with the way they came out. A HUGE thanks to Broken Tier and Richard Reyes for their help. I will be shipping all the orders out in the next two days. Thanks for everyone's support, there are more shirt designs on the way!
Also, I believe we still have two ATP shirts left for sale. I'm not sure on the sizes. You can buy those last few HERE.
Reader Comments (13)
Wonderful. :-)
Cant wait to see them on streams =)
Yeah me too. Will be nice to see them at majors! Represent the Tekken community!
Even though I'm a Tekken scrub...I will be rocking this shirt LOL I will be the only cat in Indianapolis w/ this...believe it. How many shirts did you end up moving Aris?
@ZAP, Let's just say they are a limited edition. Sell it for millions on ebay in a few years.
Hey Aris are you gonna sport an AVP T-shirt at the next tourney you go to?
@Infamous, I might sport the ATP T-shirt.
hey aris i've noticed that you have removed the tournament tab of atp. may i ask why? i thought it was a good idea.
@Killa, It wasn't getting too much traffic and we needed to make space. We may bring it back in the future. It's pretty tough running this site with just me and tieTYT so things might get slow from time to time. But we're working hard.
Nice, I'll be looking foward to my ATP shirt to match my new fightstick! Waddya think about some ATP stickers Aris? I'd buy a few.
Ohh yeah! SCORE
I got mine in the mail today, check it out....http://www.flickr.com/photos/zapsrk/5569888496/
Thanks again Aris !
Oh I almost forgot, Aris hooked it up w/ Tekken Swag as well.....Check it out !