DamaGermany Results
Aris ON
Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 8:44PM

The results for the latest international tournament are in.
1. JDCR (Korea)
2. Hankuma (Korea)
3. Ao (Japan)
4. DevilKazuya (Italy)
5. FightingGM (USA)
5. Ryan Hart (UK)
7. Erdalista (Germany)
7. Malekith (Holland)
Reader Comments (15)
Watched almost the enitre thing live. No real big suprises, although a few players left nice impressions, like that Eddy.
Asim's Eddy was freikish! Props to my fellow Indian!
But Ryan Hart vs Hankuma... that was the match of the millennium! It's always majestic watching a wavedashing Kazuya.
Other interesting this is how the ONLY 2 matches JDCR lost the entire tournament was against Fighting GM. And GM actually could have taken the 3rd set had he hit confirmed the second hit of Lee's f+2,1 that's gonna haunt him for a while lol. But man oh man what a turnaround the game went through when GM landed the Rage ws+2,3 W!
Plus big ups on Devil Kazuya being the highest placing non-Asian. His playstyle efficiently countered GM's.
Sad we didn't get to see Starscream or the Main Man. But still, thoroughly entertaining tournament, and enjoyable stream.
The tournament was pretty awesome!
I wouldn't say that there were no big surprises, because I thought GM would at least place in the top 3, but he just got neutralized completely by Devil Kazuya from Italy. Whether it was GM's play style that affected the outcome of the match, I'm not so sure.
Another thing to note is that JDCR had only 2 losses in the tournament all against GM (like AAK said), and Ao beat Hankuma (Prince) without dropping a round, only to be beaten by shortly after by Hankuma's Kuma. Despite getting 2nd, I had to give it to Hankuma for using low tier char. like Kuma at a such high level. Huge props to that guy.
I was kind of disappointed that JDCR didn't use his AK though....
no stream video uploaded?
HS on the mic !
Though I do not agree with the widespread use of button bindings in Europe, it is nice to see a European tournament getting big names and so much attention. Well done.
...and of course it's not archived... I had to leave after Ao vs Devil Kazuya. Please tell me they actually recorded the matches?
OH shit. Hankuma is Prince. Damn. Vids please. Good shit GM.
ryan hart is missing in your results
@asdf, Thanks.
Damn shame I missed this one, the streaming was too glitchy for me to watch. May have just been my pc, flash has been crashing alot. I hope this is archived, I'd like to check out the matchups. I hope we will see TheMainMan in some tournament action soon. Aris, you have #7 up on the list twice.
@AAK Asim is not from India my friend he is from Pakistan he was among some of the batter players in pakistan aniother good player was azze a jack user who also plays @NYC and recently took a torni by beating NYC fab and fighting GM in the finals:)
Palistan/India what's the diff? We're all the same :)
true i hope everyone understands this simple fact :)
Sup - yeah GRSteve I was on the mic, Sabri just rocked up behind me at one point and said "FoxSteve, you're doing commentary for this tournament, you'll alternate between GM and Ryan" I was like wtf?...
Seemed to have worked out ok if AAK found the stream enjoyable. cool
This tournament was sick - so much cool shit happening in the lead up to the top 8 that I actually had no idea who the fuck was gonna win.... I wanted GM, Ryan and AO to win... but hanging out with JDCR and Hankuma the next day taking a tour of Frankfurt and shopping together just showed how badass cool those guys actually are.
It's so funny - when JDCR and Hankuma hit Europe, they aren't interested in electronics or too fussed over souveniers and shit that maybe other westerners might be interested in if they were heading to Japan/Asia...... these guys went straight up looking for hair products, hand and face scrub, lip balms and all the other top Euro cosmetics that one can pick up for a steal there... lol
Yeah, so after spending the whole day out with them... I forgave them for beating GM.
GM won a JDCR DJ MM later though - so that's also ok.
Big ups ShadowForce, my co-host on the stream after GM and Ryan had to play their matches.... loved the way he got the streamninja involved.
Major Big Ups Sabri for making Damage this good - r e s p e c t