TTT2: Harada Tweets In Game Images Of Jun
Aris ON
Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 11:38AM

Harada has just tweeted a few in game images of one of the only new characters in TTT2. I'm hoping she has a completely new, revamped move list. Thanks to ShinBigboss for the tip.
Reader Comments (30)
i like her stance i am going the master her jinpachi, ogre, i am guessing since auska was built based on jun, hopefully jun will have the same parry with long duration effect similar to auska, but there is something dark and serious about her look in TTT2, she lost her sweet innocent look from T2
needs bigger hands
I hope you Jun Kazama fans are happy now. I'm interested to see how they differentiate her style from Asuka now. Nice find!!!!
Her stance looks a bit like this:
Time for some Kazama style karate?
i hope shes gets completly revamped and is a mix between jins and mishima style plus it would piss th jun fans of to have her back and play nothing like T2 jun it would ne cool to have a female mishima cough cough (angel)
I think i'm aroused
nerf her hands
Would be cool to have a female "mishima-like" character. Not that it would resemble T2 Jun at all, but I'm just saying...
Hopefully they give her a more or less 100% new movelist, but she'll probably be very similar to Asuka.
Personally, I'm hoping that she's just an Asuka palette swap. Namco doesn't need to try balancing anymore characters. Forty (well, 41 now that True Ogre's in) is more than enough.
Nah, the more the merrier! Lol
They could do something funny with the history of her and Kazuya and make her enthralled or something or resurected, by gcorp after the ogre attack. I don't know but it would be cool to see her as a mishima the stance seems reminiscent.
Hopefully her and kaz will have some awesome tag moves together like they did in the first game
I say it looks good, Im am going to say that she might have a different movelist from asuka , hence the difference stance.
why would jun kazama have fucking mishima moves, what, so loving kazuya decided to just one day teach her mishima style?
fucking retarded...
Not reall,y plenty of ways they could make it work, storyline wise and who care's cause ttt2 isn't cannon anyway. I think point is people don't just want two jun kazama's in this game and one of the charatcers needs a different moveset, people have been asking for a female mishima for years....
knowing tekken's history with duplicate characters, i think we can assume that she'll be kind of like what julia is to michelle; take some of asuka's moves away and give them to jun, making asuka more unique.
She looks old. I kinda liked her when she was younger. More innocent looking. More angel-like.
So that's where Jin got his looks from.
I really hope we get to see an appearance from Kunimitsu in TTT2!! I don't mean to be a tool but I need a partner for Yoshi and she would be a clear choice and probably somewhat of an easy transition, moves-wise anyway.
Harada San just tweeted another pic, check this out