Tekken 6: Combo Damage Ranking Video By Golden Eggs
Aris ON
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 3:29PM

This video shows a the combo damage rankings off of i16 or faster launchers in T6. I found the results to be pretty interesting. Golden Eggs is always coming out with cool and informative Tekken vids. Check out his older stuff HERE.
Reader Comments (6)
I found it pretty weird with some of the things included such as Steve's punchparry to be honest
Also things like Kaz df2 CH ewgf launch. Then all the normalhit launchers should be in ch also?
Yeah all up the damage on that kaz combo was over 100 too. kinda weird.
They didn't include the damage from the CH d/f+2 for Kaz
But I am still so impressed the way Namco balanced this game! I hope they still have it for TTT2!
Steve doesnt have a launch that fast
Awesome - Arigatou Eggs-san