TTT2 Card System Explained

Oichi over at has put up an explanation of the new Bana Card System that TTT2 will be using. It doesn't sound like good news for anyone outside Japan and Korea though. Hopefully the international version has something less fancy but good enough to keep us entertained. Here's and excerpt...
"The downside to all of this is that any game that supports this system will most likely be either gimped when it’s released internationally — because I don’t see Namco being able to maintain this system worldwide — or simply won’t get a release. While I’m sure that Tekken Tag 2 will get an international arcade release because countries other than America still have arcades as well, whether it will really have a character customize system this time is up in the air."
I guess we will have to wait for more information on the international release.
Thanks to L_Z_N for the tip.
Reader Comments (3)
wow. I just hope gameworks can buy the new cabinet and exactly how much are these banapasses are going to be
I really do not see this seeing wide release in the US due to the inconsistent arcade location and technological limitations here.
bananapass demonstration