Tons Of TTT2 Gameplay Footage From AOU!
Aris ON
Friday, February 18, 2011 at 10:11AM

Just as i suspected, Tons of new footage has been uploaded of TTT2 game play. Enjoy!
TEKKEN TT2 PLAY from on Vimeo.
TEKKEN TT2 PLAY from on Vimeo.
TEKKEN TT2 PLAY from on Vimeo.
TEKKEN TT2 PLAY from on Vimeo.
TEKKEN TT2 PLAY from on Vimeo.
TEKKEN TT2 PLAY from on Vimeo.
TEKKEN TT2 PLAY from on Vimeo.
Reader Comments (48)
jaycee, or should we say J.C. is the abbreviation of Julia Chang.
seems after a bound move theres a tag team juggle which makes hard to execute the desired combo.
but however it's new, so practice is the key.
Yes the Lili/Alisa combo did 50% but as you also pointed out there are two health bars and notice how the dark red area increase only during the first 3 hits of the combo which is approx 10% only; the health regeneration compensates for the seemingly high combo damage and I think it's a clever way to encourage tagging.
Some serious Nina action here
and this is why i love tekken, new moves and characters every game
Woot, just got back from AOU! Glad to see there is a lot of footage on the web already. I tried to take some, but my hidden camera skills are lacking and I have about 7 minutes of either the top of jacks head or the bottom of eddy's feet. >_< Too bad I'm not in any of the videos there I think. ;_; There was really only one guy who was taking some video who seemed allowed too, but he was only there for a few minutes.
Although I don't have any videos, I have a lot to share since I think I was probably the only native English speaker there, and I was there for about 6 hours :)
First off, yes the majority of people there were scrubs, women, or children. Most people didn't even know they could tag characters in and out until they were told by their opponent. On the other hand there weren't really that many people there. There were 6 pairs of games there and I would say at most the line had was about 50 people. So it was easy to get a game about every 8-10 minutes or so. Actually near the end there was maybe only a 4-5 minute wait. So I got to play a lot of games!!
Game Mechanics:
Sadly, I think that they have removed the tag slides and cross chops from the game. I could not figure out any button combination that would make them come out. I also didn't see anyone else pull them off either. However, you could still do the run in run out tag, so maybe they just didn't implement it yet.
On to the most important thing, the tag assault combos. The first way is by hitting 1+2+5. Every character flashes blue and then does a generic hammer punch type move. The opponent is bounded and then as you see in the videos, the tagged character comes in, does a ki charge that freezes the opponent midair, then does some moves. Then the combo starter turns white and does his moves.
Let me explain that shit because it took me a lot of games to finally figure it out completely, since the pamphlet they handed out tells you nothing. So when the character jumps in and flashes blue, I guess that is the games way of telling you that you are doing a tag bound combo. Personally I think it slows the game down too much, and actually makes it more difficult to do combos for people who have bad timing. Anyways, tagged char comes in flashes blue. Then you can input for that character any move or string, dial a combo style. After it's entered, that character will do whatever you inputted. Just don't make the mistake I kept doing at the beginning of inputting the moves during the blue flash ki charge. No, the move has to be entered as soon as it ends. If you try to mash it it won't work. After the blue flash you only have a very little amount of time to enter the move or string you want. You also can't delay the hits of a string or it will think you only want to do, say a 1 jab. So this is why you have to just dial it in without paying attention to what the screen shows. As soon as you finish you input, whether it be 1 input or a chain of inputs for a string, the original character turns white and is completely controlled by you. A good idea after getting control is to dash forward while the inputs you dialed in on the other guy finish up, so that you can still be in range to add more hits. If you don't move, more than likely you will just whiff the whole rest of the juggle.
The other way to a tag bound juggle is to just hit tag after bound. It does the same thing.
So an example of what you would have to do to input a tag bound juggle. Let me use the juggle I was using today with Jack and eddy.
Jack->df+2, 2, 2, f,f+1~5 [tag b]-> Eddy (After blue flash ends)b+3,3~f,f,(retain control of jack while eddy finishes move) Jack->b+3,2,2
It seems a little complicated, but it's not too bad once you know WHEN you are supposed to input the moves. There are times though where do to the nature of the bound move you used you other character could come active, but from the opposite direction. Basically turning a standard FT/HU into a HT/HU combo for the last few hits.
All in all it seems like it will be a very fun game. The combo potential is virtually limitless! Too bad not that many people showed up to try it that actually played Tekken. Well NIN was there for a little bit, but like I said most players just picked alisa and lili and mashed the buttons :*(
If you guys have any Q's I will try to answer them to the best of my memory.
Great inside info man!! Thanks a lot!!
Which characters did you see on the select screen? Is Julia gone?? Is Jaycee (or J.C.) same as Julia Chang?
I know it is too early to talk about new moves and which nerfs and buffs some specific characters recieved, but did you notice if Lili had new low kicks or some quick new pokes? Did they nerf Laws parry window or is it still 2 seconds? Kazuya seemed to be buffed with some new moves.
Any info about the in game system would be highly appreciated!
Yeah "julia" is not on the select screen, but jaycee uses pretty much 95% of her br moves. The rest are the wrestling moves that are either new or replaced old moves. replaced moves for her are her df+3+4 which became a frankensteiner type move instead of those 2 quick kicks that pick up roller. She also lost her stomp and replaced it with some kind of frog jump attack. Her mad axes is gone now! well the animation is now some kind of hurricanrana type throw. Some other new moves she has is a king like low dropkick db+4, a flying crossbody f,f+1+2, and a normal dropkick f+3+4. she also has 3 new movements. db+1+2 put her in her voldo stance, 1+2 makes her flex her stomach up, 4 makes her do a flip cartwheel similar to how asuka's b+3 looks. u_ub+3+4 makes her hop and spin around to be BT, didn't find any moves out of it. she also has a roll where she can do attacks out of it, but I didn't figure it out, I only saw other people do it.
AS for lili, she has a new ws string. I think it is ws+1,2,3(or maybe 4) the first 2 hits are mid or high, and the last is a quick low sweep. Speaking of low sweeps, hers is nerfed now. db+4 only launches on CH otherwise it knocks them down like alisa's sweep.
Sorry I didn't play as/against law or Kazuya. :(
Does Julia still have her spin and f+3 stances?
Also, what was that "soundwave" thing you could see in some of the videos?
I'll be honest and say that while I like most of the new stuff that's been seen so far, I find it disconcerting that a good number of people are not liking the tag in animation (maybe even the slowdown?) for tag assault juggles. Is it possible that with enough feedback, they'd change the animation? Considering that the game itself will be released very soon within the year, would it be unreasonable to assume that the game is pretty much already complete, and that Namco can no longer change it in time (which would suck)? I have no experience with the way things work in this industry so if anyone could answer it would be much appreciated.
Oh, and I'm also concerned about the amount of damage combos will now do. I hope things work out in the same manner as the first TTT did and not like t5/6 where it's pretty much 2 combos and you're almost done.
@鉄拳英会話, Thanks for the info man! Fill us in on anything else you find out.
Jaycee still has her spin but I'm unsure about the f+3 stance, but now that I think about it that is probably how you do the roll stance. So if it is gone it has been replaced with something that functions basically the same way.
The soundwave effect is the tag assault effect. I'm not sure why the real game has it, but all the videos before it show tag assault to extremely smooth. I think it really hurts the fluidity of the game, not to mention that is probably what causes all the slowdown. It gets really bad at some points. On the wall-less stages the game runs pretty well, but on the walled stages when you start doing tag assault combos in the corner or even tag throws the game starts to clunk along and the frame rate drops really low. It almost looks like when tekken 6 online first came out before they patched it. :(
I really think that animation is there to "help" beginners, because it gives you so much time to "get ready" for a juggle. However besides taxing the games memory too much it just makes it that you need to know the delay's timing or you will just get a random from mashing. Hopefully they will take that animation out, because otherwise the tag assault feels pretty good. It really makes the game open ended, and you can use it for more than just juggles. Okizeme, unblockable setups, reset juggles, you could really do a lot with what they have in place so far. Just hoping for some tweaks.
Sorry there was no ogre in game or the jun looking character in this build. However according to the select screen they will probably be the last two characters added to the game. Current select screen is as follows:
So not a lot of hope if you a michelle, kuni alex devil, etc. fans. My guess is the last 2 slots are for T.ogre only and that Jun. I don't know why they thought panda and kuma should get their own slot like christie and eddy. Seems like a waste... Also the Random Select is just one thin long bar that take up the vertical space of two character boxes in the middle.
Sorry the select screen should look like this. But there are too many characters to display it in this post. So you have to select all and paste it in notepad. The ? blocks are the 2 empty character slots.
Besides Jaycee I also played a few characters to try to find new moves or animations. so here are some I remember right now.
Character specific details:
Jin: df+1,4 and df+1,4~4 have been changed to be a different kind of "mixup". df+1,4 now does his df+1 punch into his standing 4. so now the string is m,h but i'm assuming it kills ss and sw. df+1,4~4 now does df+1 into a feint kick into a knockdown mid kick. if you've played tekken 4 it kinda looks like jin's old df+4. His d+1+2 taunt type move now lets you do b+1 stances moves out of it. Plus it has a slightly different animation.
Paul: Paul now has a new ws string. ws+3,2 it is a m,h string i think. the ws +3 is a quick knee like bryan's and I think the 2 followup is guaranteed on hit. the 2 is just a quick hook punch similar in look to his b+2
Jack: Jack has a new ws too. ws+2,1. pretty sure it is m,m. seemed safe but not a lot of damage.
Marduk: Marduk's db+2 has been replaced. Now it is an uppercut that sends the opponent flying like jin's ch cd+2. You can dash in and pick them up out of it with df+3,1. his df+1 is the same, but now it has a new animation. Looks more like he is wildly swinging than the robotic look of the past, and i think his ws+2 animation got a slight tweak i think. Oh, you can tag out of his f,f+1+2 throw. Which is nice :)
Eddy/Christie: Only really found one new move. f,f+4 is a new launcher move. seems very quick and ends in handstand stance. Launch and look of move is similar to [rlx]3~4 but you recover in hs stance whether you hit miss or wiff with the move. But then what happened to the old f,f+4? It's now done by u+4. One thing that seemed stange to me is that I couldn't find and tag throws for them on the same team. I tried df+1+2~5 and hcf+1+2~5 but no tag extension, sad.
Jinpachi: I only played jinpachi once, because I don't have much interest in the guy. However, he seems like he will play much differently than a standard mishima. First off he didn't have a normal mishima cd with f,n,d,df. His Wgf move is just df+2, but it primarily acts as a generic df+2 with a snazzy animation. It didn't seem to cause any blockstun, so it definitely isn't overpowered. Other moves he had were a headbutt, a heichachi-esque f+3 knee, a palm attack. I saw a few people play him, but he didn't seem overpowered at all which is good.
Anna: She has a new quick hopping knee strike, don't know the input, only saw it. Also think a few of her old moves got animation upgrades.
Feng: got a new 2 hit string, low kick into mid punch. I would say it reminded me a little of lei's b+4,1 but without a knockdown.
Panda/Kuma: They have some string where they do multiple slashes into a launcher. sort of like laws qcf+1,2,1,2. They are also 2 of the few characters to have a new costume. Now they have anklets. Kuma has a spiked one and panda has a Xiaoyu ribbon.
Some other things I noticed:
Devil Jin and Jin can be on the same team, but they tag in like normal partners.
There seemed to be 3 generic tag thows: Hop over opponent and tagged in partner shoulder tackles them. The suplex running kick. and the double suplex. I think which one is used depends on if it is a front, side or back throw.
18 stages, most were locked though.
Most of the portraits for the character select screen were using art from tekken br. Hopefully they make new ones. Also none of the 2p costumes were active. If you picked the same character as someone else you just got a palette swap.
I'll see if I remember anything else later.
Wow great info man! Im greatful that you've been taking the time to post this. Any new stuff fron Sergei Dragunov and Raven?
@鉄拳英会話 -
was Jin's df+1,4 delayable? and does the 4 have any CH properties?
Don't know if the second hit is delayable anymore, but it probably isn't because the second hit is high now and looks like standing 4. Standing 4 on ch still does crumple stun like in tekken 6 br, however the 4 from the df+1,4 string knocks them down on hit.
About dragonov and raven, I didn't really see anything about them since not too many people played as them. They did get a few new moves which I can't really remember what they looked like anymore. However they appeared to be mostly the same in br just with a few new moves. Although that's how most characters seemed to be honest. Just like how ttt was to t3, ttt2 is to t6br.
lili's db+4 is juggle on CH only? is the speed the same or still slow?
It is still slow, so pretty much just a straight nerf. sorry, lili fans.