Bogus Journeys Featuring Aris and Tasty Steve
Aris ON
Wednesday, December 28, 2011 at 8:56PM

God I hate this show. Subscribe to LUYG's Youtube channel.
God I hate this show. Subscribe to LUYG's Youtube channel.
Reader Comments (25)
I almost came while watching porn and this at the same time. Good shit.
I want to see Aris vs Mcbean offline. Pretty sure they would do ten times better.
Yellow bar... fun
Aris, your my kind of Santa!
anyway ive seen a quarter of the first part. Armor King? You dropped Drag?
Just finished watching it, actually quite a fun episode. Rip if you're reading this when is the next episode coming?
oh man aris hates online so much and then, if he play online he did it on 3 bars more reason to complain.
block on reaction and throw escape is harder on a bad connection and aris with so much throws just plays the "online asshole tactic" xD
so much time to find someone with 5bars and you pick players with 3 bars this is the only reason i dont get it in this show.
but in the end its entertainment at its best xD
addition to last comment:
i just think you want to make online look bad and pick 3bars players only because of this
if you play season i dont see it why picking 3bar players.
The best episode by far... Get tasty steve on the stick....
And get James Chen to try and talk to him lol
HAHAHHAHHHA The most funny shit i have watched since hangover 2!!!!! HAHHAHAHHA
I actually enjoyed watching this episode, but fuck playing T6 online with a 3 bar connection. That's just torture.
Putting Aris against a 3 bar Lei player is pretty fucking cruel... and funny.
When Armor King did that kick and Tasty Steve said "you mother Fucker!!" was that video edited how the screen shaked or did steve kicked something? cuz it looked so epic man
Aris you should replace Rip as host,then add your own litte twist to it......Then it will be better than ever! Great show!
Now we know how Steve's orgasmface looks like (top picture). Yeah I just put that image in your head - merry Christmas
"thats all we got time for" wtf did you stop playing then and go home? No, its just rips gay ass way, its not the fucking xfactor rip just play the damn fights =p
I think tag2 will be the same quality online, Harada blames peoples connection, not Namcos fault.
this is disgusting. watching online play is like watching siblings make out.
look at TieTYT's face in the top picture, hes saying "aahhhh yes aris... i revel in your misery"
Looooool this was so funny, nice that Rip didn't censor this (never saw why he did that anyway, we're all fuckin' adults right?) and Aris and Steve's interactions are just too funny. Best episode of this so far; normally I'm not a huge fan of this show because Tekken 6 online is a complete joke, but this made it hilarious. Good shit man.
that was awesome
props to aris. he did hella good even though he isnt an online player