TTT2 Wall Combos
Aris ON
Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 7:53AM

It seems like the wall damage in TTT2 is getting out of control lately. Thescary thing is that the game's combo system is only in it's infancy at this point. Check out some wall combos posted by owlertwo.
Reader Comments (8)
This is one of my gripes with T6: the walls are so damn "sticky", allowing for ridiculous wall carry combos and crap like Lars' staple wall combo. I wish they'd make them a lot more like were in DR. Bound already allows you to extend your juggles enough.
To me this doesn't seem so bad. You do get a whole nother life bar in this game don't you? In these combos you give your opponent access to their tag crash. When you use tag crash at the wall, it seems that the crash puts the opponent's back to it. Also, video 2 starts with lars delayed hopkicking someone into a wall. WTF.
low ground hits looking retarded as osual. bring back wall tech!
60% without netsu this is way to much
i hope they will fix the amount of hits you can get on walls
Cool new move for Lars in the second combo. It looks like damage from wall combos has been reduced. They used Tag Assault and it only just barely did half. If Bruce had done his normal wall combo, it probably would have done MUCH less than what it did do. Honestly, I do not know why they made Tag Assault take away all of your red bar life. Blah.
Look at the second combo again
-it started off a delayed hopkick
-it was lars. The guy with possibly the most buff wallcombos in the game
-there was hwo. the guy with the most damaging tag assault fillers so far.
I actually expected more.
also think about the price of that damage.
-if hwo had red life. he would lose it.
-opponent gets instant netsu.
-Look at the insane amounts of red health heihachi is left with.
I think it's a fine trade. Opponent gets a boost and you lose red life. But you get some nice damage in return.
lol trade?
the hole game uses TA and activate netsu would also activate anyway
wallsplatmoves are all save and some are even + frames on block like ff1+2 bruce +3frames on block
you want me to say that you dont go for the dmg because he can get netsu after it???
you want me to say you dont use TA all the time because i lose redlife??? (when there is no redlife who cares - or full hp who cares - if he is just dead after it who cares)
and because lars and hwo has high wall dmg its ok?? char balance?? why not leave ravens wall infinite in this game then?
your argues dont make sense in balancing a game.
i am waiting for netsu juggle starts mid in stage save b for wall and do that combo on wall then 100%??
Are you blind? The Lars one did 66%, far from "barely half". Sure, they did use TA, but that damage is far too much. And TA takes away your red health for one simple reason; It would be far too OP and damaging doing TA juggles with no penalties.