EWGF Tonight Will Feature TTT2 Prologue and TTTHD
BY Aris ON Friday, November 18, 2011 at 11:59AM
We will be streaming again tonight (Friday) at 8pm PST from Super Arcade. However, today we will be featuring TTT2 Prologue and TTTHD which will be released next week in the Tekken Hybrid bundle. Please make sure you follow us on twitchTV and please pass the word around. Thanks for the support.
Reader Comments (15)
I got my 12-PAK ready!!!!!
I hope it's like last week where people were going nuts after losing to that suiken guy. That was fun.
Is it okay to stream a game before its out. I think twitch ban channels that do that.
Can't wait to see some TTT HD!!!
people have been showing off ultimate marvel for like a month on streams so i think tekken should be okay.
also, fuck marvel.
I like how cali gets special treatment and gets to play the game early. that's not right. I hope somebody steals it. I'll just stuff my own dick in my mouth for another 4 days.
getting ttt2p today. no need to watch stream but I will anyway
These guys grew up with Filthie Rich. What makes you ppl think that Aris @company wouldnt get an advance copy on thier door step.Also Harada and Michael Murray are mad cool with Aris. Stop complaining. It's out in 3 days.
best EWGF stream ever
Those library stories, man
I got too stoned to play or assess the game, but it was still hella fun.
t'was good. shame there couldn't be some sort of tournament but I guess there couldn't be since prologue has only 4 characters and most of that lot are new generation kids who started around TK5 or something lol.
hey aris did close their website??????? I typed sdtekken it change to some different website if u even click on your link it will take u to some place else it says but it shows some picture of nature and shit, something is wrong.... markman what the hell is going on?
nevermind, what i just said they were redesigning the website, it's working again
I am not buying Tekken Hybrid. Almost no characters, lame Ogres in Tag 1, and the clincher, PS3 only and I have an XB360. I forgot it was PS3 only. So lame. Great stream. Those were some crazy stories, Aris. This felt like a podcast. I kept it on while I played games and listened to it a few times.
Just stream Tekken 6 next time like always.
^^^^^WAL^^^^^ "What A Looooooooooser"