SC5: Live Stream Replay From Team Soul
Aris ON
Friday, October 28, 2011 at 12:22PM

Namco of Japan had an official live stream stream last night showing off Soul Calibur 5. It is in Japanese but there is quite a bit of gameplay and should be quite interesting for fans of the series. Check out the replay below.
Reader Comments (6)
There isn't any Viola shown because she's undergoing some more changes.
Must be hard getting a 'shadow/pet' type character to work in a 3d fighter nicely but it's the craziest new idea for a 3d fighting game.
Aris when are you gonna do another podcast?
This game overall is looking a lot better now than it did a few months ago. The new interface looks great, and I appreciate the usage of SC2 font.
Watch this video below to see more of the interface. Game is looking slick as fuck.
Arcade release please!!! Don't rush it Namco.
Being a fighting game fan has turned into so much work. I remember when I would just go to the arcade and while I was playing, a big truck would arrive with a new cabinet. They would set it up, people would crowd around it and start playing the hell out of it, and it was all good. All of this pre-release bullshit is so lame. I am not watching an hour long or whatever stream on pre-release shit. Namco-Bandai should know how to make a fighting game by now, FFS.