SC5: Dampierre Announcement Trailer
Aris ON
Monday, October 24, 2011 at 11:20AM

This character is very interesting to me. I was never able to try him out on the PSP version of SC4 so I'm happy that they will be bringing him to SC5. However, I hope he becomes available via DLC at some point because if he is exclusively available for pre order only, I doubt he will be allowed in tournament. Check out the trailer below.
Reader Comments (19)
I think he looks retarded.
I'm surprised that you're interested in Dampierre. I never got to play him either on the PSP, so I'm glad that he'll be in SCV.
As for his legality in tournaments, he would be banned starting off since he's only available to those who preorder the game, but once he becomes available to everyone, he would then be legal.
Also, the video from the latest build of the game looks amazing.
yes aris you have good taste in characters. loolol
I don't like his mustache. But I will say that I do own SC Broken Destiny for PSP,and he is a very tricky character with alot of surprise tactics at his disposal. I think you will like him Aris. hes' kind of like a Yoshimitsu or voldo character. Im just upset this game wont be in Arcades. I hope its good.
I can't imagine they'd leave something as big as a whole character solely as a preorder bonus, especially if that's only for specific stores.
Of course Aris is interested in him, he is hella fucking gay...
Funny trailer!
I am not at all concerned about the characters though. If Namco-Bandai should have a trailer about anything, it's taking out 8-way run counter-hits. Why do people care so much about new characters every new game? Just look at how it played out for Tekken! Hurray, we have 40+ Tekken characters now! Uh...
waluigi made it in sc5 this is sick
What the fuck is this shit?
Who cares? Soul Calibur is for retards
i don't like that he's a pre-order character. if you've got a character you've made, just put him in the damn game. why go through this preorder and dlc crap? games these days...
Aris you look exactly like the vocalist from All Shall Perish
was hoping he would make it in...but then they turn him into pre-order char
Causeless Rebel says "Soul Calibur is for Retards".....I'm sure the SC community will appreciate that ignorant comment. I thought you would say something like that.
I hate DLC characters, but every company that is making video games is doing some kind of preorder bonus so they make money from new game sales, so it's not like Namco is doing something out of the blue. At least it isn't fucking DLC gems like Capcom is trying to do with SFxT. Any interest that I had in that mess of a game was killed after they detailed the gem system.
@Infamous huh ??? whts dat you say, sorry cant hear you with all that cock shoved down your throat, why not take some of that luyg cock out from your mouth and then maybe i can hear what your saying. Unlike you I am able to think for myself
^^ A prime reason why noobs like you have tainted this community with a negative vibe. Because of you acually staying home and salivating over scenerio campaighn. Fuck you Causeless Fagot. Get ready for the next Bogus Journey's. I'm sure It will be very entertaining!
^^^ huh what's that you say?? are you saying that you get an erection and jizz ur keyboard anytime you see the guyz from bogus journeys?? I really dont get u.. please please take some of that cock out from your mouth even for a second so I can understand you
Put your money where your mouth is then fagot. I wouldn't even waste my time owning the god given shit out of you. Keep it up noob lol....... enough of the small talk