How Would "Hit Box" Arcade Sticks Work In Tekken?

I'm not sure what to think of this shit. I have to admit that I am an arcade stick purist. I've given people shit about being pad players for years (though i think pad is superior to stick). But this "Hit Box" shit is out of control. Check out the video and think about how these could be used in Tekken.
i14 EWGF would be much easier, Korean back dash would be insanely easy, especially with sway characters, because you would be able to simply hit the "down button" then the "back button". What I'm afraid of is that some Beethoven assed mother fucker will decide to play Tekken with one of these things and start fucking everyone up. What's next, Dance Pads or Time Crisis Guns?
Reader Comments (9)
at most anyone using these at a high level would have a slightly easier time being a master of executing strange shit, but even that's a stretch. it'd probably just make it slightly easier to do things most good players already know how to do on their existing hardware
I used to see this kind of stick pop up every so often in the SRK tech talk thread, but this is the first one I've seen that doesn't use the WASD button placement for the directions. Pretty interesting, but not surprised at the execution level displayed in the video; some people on GGPO use keyboards very very well.
We'll never see this shit in real life though.... or will we?
Next up ppl will start playing with 2 sticks... Playing Tekken the Karate Champ way.
(Below, is NOT a review of Hit Box, because I'm only writing my thoughts on the experiment).
Btw, just now I tried playing with 2 joysticks on T3 with PS emu, and mapped the buttons to simulate the same feeling from playing Tekken with the Hit Box.
After playing for around 30 mins or so... I don't find EWGF, or BDC..any easier.
I couldn't 'cheat' the game, because to do EWGF I still needed to press f, release it(neutral), then press down, then press down/forward and 2 at the same time. Same thing as doing it on a d-pad/stick.
I then tried to backdash cancel, by doing it with b,b,d/b~b,b,d/b....
Firstly I did b,b, hold the 2nd b, then while holding it I pressed d/b.... then to repeat it I had to release the directional buttons, and repeat from the 1st step.
Interesting tests. Try back dash canceling with bb, db, b, db, d, db....with a neutral in each input. I'm actually considering buying one of these sticks just for the fuck of it.
Yes... I already scratched the surface of this subject earlier in the iamtekken website. IMO this is easily the superioir input method; only problem is that it's just too uncommon/underground to become any proper "standard". I started playing Tekken originally with keyboard + T3 emu and then pad, then stick later. Only reason why I still use stick today is because that is the hardware you would encounter in an arcade, and you can buy high-quality controllers ready-made in that format without having to build stuff yourself.
I think the argument "you can learn as well as with another type of controller" is a bit meaningless. It is true, but I might want to tell that back in the days I used to play Half-Life with a racing wheel.
mind = blown
this stick is DA FUTURE OF FG GAMES!!!
if they don't ban this shizz, this will change the face of FG games forever...
In Tekken all dashing will be a cake walk. Everyone will be able to light dash no problem. In my opinion this hit box doesn't effect Tekken too much. There will just be more people with that high level of dashing. I'm alright with more people with high level execution. I'll buy it once they make me a power glove with voice command! Wave O! Wave O! Wave O! Dorya! Dorya! Break Throw! Wave O! Dorya! Juggle #1! Bind # 2! Ba Ba Ree!
I think it would be easier than using a joystick. I think I would still perfer to use a jloystick though. But not the ball top kind, Korean kind only. No Madcatz.
All of you would be fucked way hard if I were to pick up one of these. Maad quake 3 trick jumping and counter-strike b-hopping skills right here.