The Top 10 American Tekken Players Of 2010

This is a list of the most consistently highest placing American Tekken players of 2010. First, let me explain how I got these results. I went back and looked at every major tournament since January 1st, 2010 and gave points to the top 8 placers.
For the sake of consistency I counted all majors as equal. This means that Evo was worth the same as MLG etc. The only criteria the tournament had to meet is it had to have 50+ entrants to qualify as a major on this list. Some of the tournaments that did not count are Devastation and WCG, etc.
The point layout goes like this:
1st = 6 points
2nd = 5 points
3rd = 4 points
4th = 3 points
5th = 2 points
7th = 1 point
In the case of MLG which had people play matches out to see who got 6th and 8th, I gave 6th 2 points and 8th 1 point.
Some people may say that the points for 1st should be much higher than points for 2nd but this list isn't about how many times someone won a tournament. It's about which player most consistently placed top 8 over the last year. Here are our results!
1st NYC fab (New York) – 29 points – Miguel, Bob.
2nd Kor (Texas) – 24 points – Bob, Lars
2nd GM (New York) – 24 points - Lee
3rd Crow (Texas) – 19 points – Bob, Lars, Steve
4th Naps (NorCal) – 18 points - Bryan
5th JustFrameJames (SoCal) – 16 points - Law
6th Rip (SoCal) – 10 points - Law
7th Anakin (Atlanta) – 9 points – Jack 6
7th Suiken (SoCal) – 9 points - Lei
8th Pokchop (Atlanta) – 8 points - Bruce
Congrats to the top 10. Each of these players have their own unique style and did a great job showing their dedication to Tekken 6.
Reader Comments (35)
Great post. I'm going to link it later on SDT.
IMO, I think that we should do a private tourney/event similar to what the Street Fighter scene did with the King of West Coast event where they got the top 8 Cali players and had them battle for the crown.
I think doing that, but with the top 8 or so TEKKEN players would be fun. Hrm. Maybe we can get someone to sponsor that!
*cue lightbulb*
Happy New Years ATP!
I think you should also show the number of tournaments you looked at and how many times a specific player entered in one of those major tournaments.
get ready for the next battle
Any top 5 honorable mentions? I mean, its not like any name on this list was any surprise haha.
I'll have a more comprehensive list in the near future.
Good shit to Suiken. While he never placed first too many times (from what I recall), you could always count on him to be somewhere in top 8, at the very least, in whatever tourneys he attended while using Lei of all people.
Congrats to (NYC) Fab for 1st. IIRC he's one of the few American players who could go toe to toe with Koreans, if casuals are anything to go by. He also travels and just generally does well in whatever tourneys he attended, so this is well-deserved.
Kor had to be on this list somewhere. Just ridiculously talented in general, I still remember when he didn't participate in the Tekken tourney at an Evo one year and yet still kept taking people's money in money matches. Damn.
All are good players IMO, just the above are the ones that stand out the most to me.
fab sucks
Congrats Fab. You've definitely been the most consistent tournament placer this year. Commentating > Anakin, say whaaaat (hehe jk)
Btw, I like how there's a three way tie for 7th, but you just make Pokchop 8th
@Rip, sorry thats a typo, pokchop has 8 points.
Aris, did you happen to count Midwest Championships in this list? There were 51 people this year, it's typically referred to as a major around here anyway. If not, it may put GM on top overall
Is this for US based tournaments only?
that seems like a pretty accurate top ten. o aris could you get qdogg for the next avoding the puddle.
Yeah, tournaments in the US only and yes i counted midwest championships.
Hell yeah! NyC on Top! Congrats to all the placers!
Good shit, its funny I tend to get emo once and while cause I never get much credit cause its always more of a popularity contest with people instead of what people have won and placed which really matters nice list.
p.s Reno your such a hater :p
NYCFab - the man I labeled as the best American player at XII - seems I was actually on the money despite my gut telling me James was hot during the tourney. lol
BADMAN Fab - - probs my fav match up @ XII -
Busy editing "UTXII Memerobale Moments" as I write this - you're Mem Mo's are coming up soon... loads of Bob & Mig mash up. vid out soon...
Two slots open for US to DamaGermany in March, would be cool if you were one of them again.
Aris you are a fucking badman - r e s p e c t
I think this shows the most accomplished, but not best. At least not in order. You would really need to look at the point total and then divide it by the number of tournament entries. With the current list you could easily have someone who only played 3 tournaments and came in 1st and 2nd each time, rank less than someone who played far more tournaments but never cracked the top five.
IMO the most accomplished = the best. To show you're the best you must travel or you get no credit. There could be some world champion out there that is unbeatable but until he proves it by going to tournaments, he might as well not play. This is my opinion.
Congrats to all. Jimmy is going send Bryan to the homes of the other top players. He is the robot, that runs on Android
@ Sato - you are correct in your calculation... I have been using this system that Aris has used here to run my Sessions with stats for about 1 year and a half and yes, you can potentially achieve a guy winning 3rd and 4th ranking higher than someone who has a smaller number of 1st's and 2nd's.
Dividing the amount of tournaments entered is potentially an answer - - but it's not an answer I came to. My sessions here are more about the people that are motivated and make the time to attend them - it's about the discipline and dedication to show up to sessions and keep ranking up.
When Bas Rutten asked Fedor how much of it is Mental and ho much of it is Physical - Fedor answered 100% Mental. It's about making the decision to get out of bed in the morning and then deciding if your going to light the bong or head to the session. - you can check that here, he asks that at about 1:10 I believe.
Using the method of "No. of Tournaments Attended" is also a pitfall -
Lets say for example - Aris who we know is the sneakest smurf out there right now, rocks up to the 1st Tournament of the year and manages to steal 1st place. He then fakes injury/poverty/studies/work and all that other life stuff we do every day so that at the end of the year when we take his tournament entries and his placing into account - he's got a 100% win ratio. Clever guy, potentiall it could happen. lol
Or he could rock up at the end of the year - say he's been busy, get ubber lucky and win or 2nd place and disrupt all the work some dood coming 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd and then 3rd has put into his tournament year.
Well that's at least why I personally put a lot of points into attendance - and yeah I agree with Aris on any dood that is broken, but doesn't step outside to prove it xn - he's not getting my time.
xn just mean 'and stuff'
and yeah Grats to all - the US has produced some really amazing shit for 2k10 - arigatou