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Asuka TTT2 Frame Data

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command damage raised guard hits Counter
1 9 10 -2 +9 +9
2 13 12 -11 0 0
3 20 14 -5 +9 +9
4 21 11 -4 +7 KD


command damage raised guard hits Counter
b+1 19 29 -11 +7 AT +7
b+2 14 15 -4 CR +1 CR +1 CR
b+3 24 16 -23 KD KD
b+4 19 15 -8 +8 KD


command damage raised guard hits Counter
f+1 20 20 -7 +4 +4
f+2 24 17 -20 KD KD
f+3 36 29 ~ 30 -2 ~ -1 KD KD
f+4 25 19 +1,2? KD KD

Step In

command damage raised guard hits Counter
ff+1 20 21 -7 +4 +4
ff+2   -14 ? + +
ff+3 27 21 -13? TKKD TKKD
ff+4 30 23 -3 KD KD

middle crouch

command damage raised guard hits Counter
db+1 15 14 -7 +3 +3
d+1 6 10 CR -5 +6 +6
db+2 26 24 -13 KD KD
d+2 21 18 -4 CR +11 CR NG KD
db+3 18 21 -12 +4 CR +4 CR
d+3 14 16 CR -17 -3 -3
db+4 16 22 -11 0 +3
d+4 8 12 CR -13 -2 -2

in the squat

command damage raised guard hits Counter
1 in a crouch 6 10 CR -5 +6 +6
db_d+2 FC 9 11 CR -4 +7 +7
3 crouching in 14 16 CR -17 -3 -3
4 in the squat 12 12 CR -15 -4 -4

middle Standing

command damage raised guard hits Counter
1 Stan,ding in the middle 20 15 -7 +4 +4
2 stan,ding in the middle 21 14 -7 +9 +9
3 stan,ding in the middle 19 19 -20 KD KD
f+3 stan,ding on the way 30 16 -16 KD KD
4 stan,ding in the middle 18 11 -3 +8 +8


command damage raised guard hits Counter
df+1 12 13 -2 +9 +9
df+2 16 15 -6 KD +5 KD
df+3 26 18 -11 KD KD
df+4 19 12 -11 0 0


command damage raised guard hits Counter
ub_u_uf+1 12 18 -8 +3 +3
ub_u+2 20 15 -12 +9 +9
uf+2 20?,(25) 14 -9 KD projected strokes KD projected strokes
ub_u_uf+3 19 20 ~ 21 -8 ~ -7 +7 ~ +8 YKKD
ub_u_uf+4 30 20 -13 KD KD

lateral movement

command damage raised guard hits Counter
1 in the next move 9 11 -2 +9 +9
2 in the next move 27 22 -12 KD KD
3 during the move 20 15 -5 +9 +9
4 in the next move 21 26 -6 +7 KD


command damage raised guard Hit CH
1 9 10 -2 +9 +9
1, 1 9,18   -7 +4 +4
1, 2 9,12   -5 +6 A +6 A
1, 2, 3 9,12,28   -7 KD KD
1, 2, 3, f 9,12,36   -2 ~ -1 KD KD
1, 2, 3, h ~, n 9,12,48   +6 KD KD
1, 2, 3, h 9,12,60   KD KD KD
1, 2, 3, b 9,12   -19 -8 -8
1, 2, 4 9,12,24   -14? KD KD
1, 3 9,12   -14 -1? -1?
1, 4 9,16   -11 +2 +5
1, 4, d 9,16 CR -11 0 +3
2 13 12 -11 0 0
2, 1 13,12   -3 +8 +10
2, 1, 1+2 13,12,27   -9 CR +4 CR KD
2, 1, 1+2, d 13,12,27 CR -9 CR +4 CR KD
2, 1, 1+2, b 13,12   -18 -7 - 5
2, 3 13,22?   -17 KD KD
3 20 14 -7 +9 +9
3, 1 20,14   -11 +2 +2
3, 4 26 25 -18 KD KD
1+2 25 16 ~ 17 -9 ~ -8 KD KD
3+4 12,25 23,29 -6 KD KD
3+4, db_d_df 12,25 23,29 CR -6 KD KD
1+4 6 14 -19 -8 -8
1+4 6,9 14 -2 +9 +9
1+4, 2 6,9,12   -4 +7 + 7
1+4, 3 6,9,36   -1 ~ -2 KD KD
1+4, 3, b 6,9   -21 -10 -10
1+4, 2, 4 6,9,12,27   -15 KD KD
1+4, 2, d+4 6,9,12,21   -26 KD KD
1+4, 2, 1 6,9, 12,14   -3 +8 +8
2+3 25 28 0 KD KD
f+2 24 17 -20 KD KD
f+2, db_d_df   CR      
f+1+2 38 17 ~ 18 -9 ~ -8 KD KD
f+3 36 29 ~ 30 -2 ~ -1 KD KD
f+3, h ~, n 48 51 +6 KD KD
f+3, h 60 68 KD KD KD
f+3, b          
f+4 25 19 +1,2? KD KD
df+1 12 13 -2 +9 +9
df+1, 2 12,15,(25)   -3 KD projected strokes KD AT
df+1, 4 12,   -12? + DOS
df+2 16 15 -6 KD +5 KD
df+3 27 18 -11 KD KD
df+1+2 14,28 42 -14 KD KD
d+2 21 18 -4 CR +9 CR KD
d+1+2 FC d+1+2 _ ~ 22? 20 -18 KD KD
d+3+4 6,24 14 -6 KD KD
db+1 15 14 -7 +3 +3
db+1, 2 15,19   -13 + CR KD
db+2 26 24 -13 KD KD
db+3 18 21 -12 +4 CR +4 CR
b+1 19 29 CR -11 +7 _ AT +7
b+2 14 15 -4 CR +1 CR +1 CR
b+2, 1 14,16   -7 +4 +4
b+2, 4 14,16   -9 +2 +2
b+2, 4, d 14,16 CR -11 0 0
b+2, 1+2 14,8   -10 +1 +1
b+2, 1+2, 4 14,8,24   -13 KD KD
b+3 24 16 -23 KD KD
b+3, 2 24,25   -18 KD KD
b+3, 2, db_d_df 24 CR -32 KD KD
b+3, 4 24,16   -10 +1 +1
b+3, 4, d 24,16 CR -9 +2 +2
b+4 19 15 -8 +8 KD
b+4, 2 19,19   -6 +4 CR KD
b+1+4 14,7 12 -8 +1 +1
b+2+3, 4 14,7,27   -14 + B + B
b+2+3, 3 14,7,21   -13 -2 KD
uf+2 20?,(25) 14 -9 KD projected strokes KD projected strokes
ub_u_uf+3 19 20 ~ 21 -8 ~ -7 +7 ~ +8 KD
ub_u_uf+4 30 20 -13? KD KD
ff+2     -14 ? + +
ff+2, 1 ,   -5? KD KD
ff+2, 1+2 ,   -15? ~ KD KD ?
ff+3 27 21 -13? KD KD
ff+4 30 23 -3 KD KD
3 WR fff+3 _ ub,b+3 _ ~ 38 27 -3 ~ +1 KD KD
1 Stan,ding in the middle 20 15 -7 +4 +4
1 Stan,ding in the middle, 4 20,25   -12 KD KD
2 stan,ding in the middle 21 14 -7 +9 +9
3 stan,ding in the middle 19 19 -20 KD KD
1+2 Stan,ding in the middle 24 21 -2 +5 KD +17
1+2 Stan,ding in the middle, d   CR      
f+3 during startup 30 16 -16 KD KD
df+2 FC 14 16 -11 0 +18
3+4 crouching in 12,12 21 -6 +5 CR +5 CR
3+4 while crouching, d 12,12 21 CR -6 +5 CR +5 CR
3+4 while crouching, 3 12,12, 12,12   0 KD KD
3+4 while crouching, 3, d 12,12,12,12 CR 0 KD KD
2 in the next move 27 22 -12 KD KD
4 in the next move 21 26 -6 +7 KD

& aname cooperation from the fist palm haze (kasumi)

command damage raised guard Hit CH
f+1 20 20 -7 +4 +4
f+1, 3 20,19   -5 +6 KD
f+1, 3, 1 20,19 , 14   -8 +3 +3
f+1, 4 20,6,24   -4 KD KD
f+1, d+4 20,26 CR -15? KD KD
f+1, d+4, db 20 CR - - -

& aname pseudopod cooperation from the vacuum (kari)

command damage raised guard Hit CH
db+4 16 22 -11 0 +3
db+4, d 16 22 CR -11 0 +3
db+4, 4 16,18   -7 +4 KD
db+4, 4, d 16,18   -11 0 KD
db+4, 4, 4 16,18,19   -7 +4 KD
db+4, 4, 4, d 16,18 , 19 CR -11 0 KD
db+4, 3 16,25   -3 KD KD
db+4, 1+4 16,6,9   -2 +9 +9

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Reader Comments (2)

annoying asuka. damn those safe and close-to-safe decent pokes and spammed safe launchers such as 1+2, d+3+4, CH d+2, CH b+4 2, and generic d/f+2. dont forget to punish her f+2, b+3, WS+3, d/b+2, hop kick, d/f+1 4, ff+2 1+2 and her lows such as 3~4, FC d/f+2, b+1, d+1+2, d/b+3_4 and d+4. lastly, try to duck some of her moves/strings such as WS+2 1, WS+1 4, d/f+1 2, d/b 4 3, 1+4 2 and d+3+4. and oh! practice your chicken reversals specially fighting this b*tch with the wall in her back and escape her "falling rain" throw necessarily.

Monday, February 11, 2013 at 10:44 AM | Unregistered Commenterbogart!

^You know nothing about anything... Did you read the start up time or recovery frames on any of her attacks.. I have no idea wtf namco was thinking. d+3+3 is "glitched", if you're not standing on axis you miss the second hit and get punished and all your opponent has to do is stand there...

Her hop kick is one of the worst in the game, no Asuka player uses it...

her standing 2 jab is 12 frames for God sake at -11 on recovery with no hit advantage, other sites say the same thing... she's the only character with such a terrible 2 jab. Which sucks because its her fastest poke that can get a hit confirm =S

Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 5:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterSpades

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