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Entries in story mode (8)


Tekken 7 - No Glory for Heroes (English Story Trailer)

Bandai Namco has just unveiled 'No Glory for Heroes,' a dramatic movie-like trailer setting the tone for Tekken 7's Story Mode. There are several highlights and scenes from the Story Mode but nothing too big to label as a spoiler so it's a safe watch. Tekken 7 is out worldwide in stores on June 2nd and you can check out the new trailer below.

Bandai Namco Europe ≫

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Tekken 7 Story Mode - Gameplay and Cinematics Montage from GameSpot

GameSpot has put up new info on the Tekken 7 story mode including a quick play-through of the early parts. You can see some of the cinematics and story that develops in the lengthy video that gives you a glimpse of what the Story Mode is going to offer. Since it features notable bits from the Story Mode, notice that the video features spoilers on the mode so people looking to go in fresh should beware. The video is accompanied by GameSpot's article on the Story Mode here:

Tekken 7 Has Third-Person Shooting And Quick-Time Events ≫

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TEKKEN 7 - New Stage & Story Mode Details From Gamescom

Announced at Gamescom alongside Lee Chaolan is further news on the game's Story Mode. New batch of screenshots from Tekken 7 show off portions of the Story Mode that retells the older history from the Tekken and reveals why things went down in the series. The game's Story Mode is said to be several hours long and as you progress through it, you can unlock sub plots for the other characters in the game such as Claudio's story and his group of Exorcists. There's even specific Story Mode costumes for characters such as the new suit for Heihachi that you can use while playing through the mode. The images from the story mode including the new stage are up on the BNE Europe press site but we have them here for everyone to see below!

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