Mortal Kombat Demo Video Review: First Impressions
Aris ON
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 8:24PM

Here are my initial impressions of the Mortal Kombat demo which is currently available exclusively on Playstation Plus. I will probably follow this up with a more gameplay oriented video review in the next few days.
Reader Comments (25)
@Jack Daniels
I don't know what build this demo is based on, how many buttons the final release will have or how difficult the execution in this game is because like 99% of the FGC, I don't really give a shit about Mortal Kombat. And that doesn't matter because I based my "novel" solely on this demo, and Aris' review of this demo, not the final game. If they've changed those things I griped about, good for them. They of course could've included those changes into the demo, instead of making us wait for the final release, kinda making the whole point of this demo moot.
Second, are you one of those Ken players in SSF4 that just jump kick, sweep and mash shoryuken all day? Or those Feng players in Tekken who mash shoulder, reversals, db+2,2,2, f+1, etc.? Do you find yourself angry every time some one like me beats you these "run away or twitch back and forth and just move around instead of fight" tactics? Do you send alot of ragemail about these losses? Are all of those forums you've chatted in possibly GameFAQ's, NeoGAF or 4chan's /b/ board? Are all of your friends also part of these forums? I'm asking because you just made yourself sound like a total scrub. No matter your response, I'm just going to say that stay free, my friend.
I never played SSFIV more than soem casual tryouts, I only play Tekken 6. My Nina is now a Vanquisher. The only other community I was in until last week was TekkenZaibatsu/ SDTekken.
Now, hoe does your foot in you mouth taste, you arrogant basterd?? Your twitching back and forth and moving around is what makes a boring gameplay. So it's good MK is not like Tekken and has combobreakers as a solution to long comboes.
What I don't like is that you think your opinion matters more becuase you are a tournament player or whatever. A game's success is based on it's sales, and the casual players are like 99% of those who buy it. It is therefor more important that those aspects of a game are covered BEFORE they make it a competitive fighter because tourney players are so small fraction.
You think tournament success determines the game's success, which is not the case, at least when it comes to MK. This game will succeed regardless if it's successful at tournaments. That's pretty much guranteed by the success of previous games alone.
I will not disagree that the tournament scene can boosts the game's popularity and reputation, but the game's success and sales will not depend on it. That's what bugs me most about competitive players. With their egos the way they are, a lot of times with games, they treat their approval as much more important than anyone elses. We all know the casual player makes up the majority, so it shouldn't be perceived any different. The game needs to appeal to casuals just as much as the tournament scene if not more. If you can manage both, and do it effectively, then that's what leads to the best possible game.
So you're one of those Ninas that just mash f+3 and tenstrings?
Whatever, I don't even care anymore, I'm just going to comment on your casual vs. tourney argument. I think it's full of shit. I think fighting games should be made for fighting game players only. I think your kind of "ranrom pick up and play and have fun" players should go fuck themselves, and the companies that make those kind of games quit making fighters. Casual players shouldn't matter. A game should not condone to shitty players at all. A fighting game should be relentless toward noobies so that they either man up and learn the game, or get destroyed until they give up and go cry to some online forum how the gameplay is "boring" One kind of game like this is Street Fighter III Third Strike. That game was made for the serious player in mind, not casuals, and it's _universaly agreed_ to be the _best_ fighting game ever. Sure, you're right, it sold like shit on consoles because random scrubs like you didn't want to learn the game and got bodied. But it was a tremendous success where it mattered; the arcade and hardcore player business. EVERYONE played 3s back in the day, Japan, US, Europe, everyone. I'm positive Capcom turned a very hefty profit from arcades. Another example in this genre is Guilty Gear XX. That too is considered to be a very good and solid game by everyone that matters, and too sold well.
So to me, casual oriented, easy fighters like SF4 are boring. There shouldn't be shortcuts, no way too fucking easy reversals, no armor breaks, no rage mode for comebacks, nothing. I don't want a game to be a stupid button masher with no strategy or tactics, but that said I have nothing against rushdown. It's really a fucking sad thing to see that, like you said, your kind of a person's oppinion matters more to a game developer than someone like me, or Aris, or Daigo, or millions of other people with the same complaints. All they want is profit, they don't want to make an enjoyable game for people who actually want to play the game and take a risk at the cost of financial success, they just want to hold the hand of the average retard who shops at GameStop and take his 59$ over and over again.
Bottom line, fuck today's fighting games. OG 3s, TTT, SC2 and ST for lyfe. Only have to stand shit like MvC3, SF4 and T6 because these golden oldies aren't played anymore. Times change, people move on, that's life. I can complain, but in the end it doesn't matter, and I'm off to join the bandwagon like the rest of us.
The demo is great and I'm impatient to test the real thing. Graphics are marvelous, characters highly drawn, blood and more blood with originality ! Definetely worthy of Mortal Kombat. All that is left for me is to master some tricky combos, hard work ahead, but there's hope.
Only 2 little details got my eye :
--> I might guess that all characters will have at least 2 pre-combat speak sequences, because right now, the demo only got 1 sequence per character and it becomes a bit annoying : ''This fight will be your last!'' (no Sub-Zero, it won't)
--> Finally, I'd also like if they could change the theme music of both the main menu and the 'character select' screen, for a come-back of the old themes from MK.
For the 'character select' screen, this theme would be great :
And for the main menu, why not the principal theme of MK ? I do know this one is a techno-remix theme of MK, but I'm proposing of changing it to fit the game, because putting it like that without any change would be weird.
Continue your great work, genius team of MK ! :D
Ok to all haters and blah blah shiters here STOP talking shit!It's MK back to the roots u idiots!The demo was fine!The game will kick ass even if u don't want to.Go play Tekken shit just stop writing bullshit about the fatalities.Also if u are an adult and u don't want the gore inside this game get the hell out of our ranks..We demanded a MK true to its history(not bullshit MKvsDC) and Ed Boon gave it to us!Besides,to let u know there is a FRENZY about this game in all stores...ps.for those who have a good memory;STREET FIGHTER WHO?haha!QQ